Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Everyone wants someone to love them. Even though no-one knows what love is. Do you know? Now I don't want to go into a rant here but...

When you are trying to work out whether you are in love or not, its' natural to compare how you feel, with what you've being taught and about how being in love feels. And who taught you about how being in love feels? Well, without ever trying, the television[Media] bombarded you with misguided notions about romance, the moment you were first naive enough to swivel you eyes in its direction.

According to research when it comes to getting information about love, most turn to television, while some ask mum and the rest ask dad. But the plug-in parent is a liar[and to an extent,so are your mum and dad], and the fictional world it portrays seeps into you skull, setting a misguided framework.

Entering relationships with wildly unrealistic expectations is a guaranteed way of sabotaging your blossoming relationship. Studies have shown that there is a link between the amount of television that people watch and the likelihood that they will believe certain unhelpful relationship myths. Chief among these myths is the notion that there is a singular 'soul-mate' out there in the world for you. The thought that out of the billions of people in the world, theres only one that belongs to you seems really, really, really, really stupid. But then again it isn't. But it is.

Television[ Media] has warped your notions of physical beauty by parading inordinately attracive people in front of you , morning, noon and night. Thus raising your expectations to an unsustainable high, while simultaneously making you feel inferior.Its telling, when you encounter someone attractive in real life, they seem faintly unreal, as if somehow photo-shoped into your world by the media. And of course most of the people appearing in the media have being photo-shoped, tweaked and so on.

In adverts, attractive people are often presented as tantalising prizes, drawing admiring glances wherever they go. And unless you look like that, which statistically you probably don't, the unmistakable conclusion is that you don't match up. No wonder so many of us, simply don't know what to do when confronted by people we fancy in real life.

Then again, this is just an opinion, It could be wrong. Let me know what you think.

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