
The premise of this project is to give some clarity and make sense of all the information that is out there and beyond in news[print and broadcast], movies, television, social media and etc . In doing so we can temporarily slow down the sprint towards insanity that describes our lifetime trajectory. By identifying key points in analysing 'the media', we should hopefully be in a better position, on how to interact with 'the media' as a whole and in the process keep what's left of our sanity. 

What I write here is not gospel or  should it be referred to as the good book.I believe that already exists. And if you do make the mistake of treating it as such, then you are are 'sinner' as some would call you - I prefer idiot personally. Another crucial point to bear in mind is that what I am in fact regurgitating here is already out there. If you seek it you will find it. The only distinction I can claim to is that I am bringing it to you in a more clear, coherent form[ I am hoping]. Please also bear in mind that most of what I write has being documented in shows like 'Screenwipe'/ 'Newswipe'/ 'The Daily Show'/ 'Colbert Report' etc. A majority of the subjects discussed refer to topics addressed  in such shows. But I thought putting it down in print would stick better in peoples brains than fast  moving images, which I suspect most people forget when the next programme comes on.[Just a feeling].

*To be quite honest, I have never had a stronger feeling that what I am attempting to do here is common knowledge, using this blog to say things that are in fact self evident*