The very simple answer to this question is that I want to know how to sieve through the 'BS' that is in the Media[Broadcast/Print and Social Media].
I know the function of the media, but I also know that the face of the media is hardly recogniseable these days due to economic pressures and other factors. So through my research and analysis of current media I hope to be able gain some clarity[and I hope you 'the reader' gains some too]in how to watch the media and the recurring patterns and techniques of BS, that not only distract but render me useless in society.
Is there an alterior motive, in creating this blog?
No. Plain and simply, I want to be able to seperate the 'Real' from the 'BS' in the media. I think, and I hope you agree, that this is a very important ability or skill to have in this age of 'information access and overload' that we live. If you do not agree... well I guess you do not agree.
This by no means is some sort of campaign to demonise the media [theres enough of that going on already]. I fully recognise the importance of the media and the power it yeilds. I recognise however that, this power can be and is used incorrectly sometimes if not frequently. I am simply just equipping myself with the knowledge and experience in how I interact with it. Simple.